Watch Your Step 3-D Pattern by Mac Stopa on carpet for Radici Pietro and fabric for Pugi.rg

Watch Your Step stands out from the crowd with its amazing 3-D pattern that brilliantly captures the feeling of waves and movement. A form of modern art, the pattern has a highly defined organic geometry, which depending on interpretation, resembles the structure of coral or fruit skin abstract or even pitted olives. By embracing the natural randomness of geometry, Watch Your Step shifts the focus to our relationship with nature, its power and beauty. The design on carpet allows the installation of multiple carpet rolls on large areas ensuring pattern continuity. Watch Your Step carpet is designed by Mac Stopa and produced in Italy by Radici Pietro Industries & Brands. Watch Your Step pattern on fabric is produced in Italy by Pugi.rg. Radici Pietro Industries & Brands, Pugi.rg

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